in Kazakhstan among the almost deserted and unwelcoming land one of the largest
spaceports spread out on many miles across. And not only it, but a whole town
was founded on a land, previously not inhabited. Yes, you are right: we are
talking about Baikonur! Some time ago we already posted some a story about
Baikonur spaceport, claiming that a tour there could become one of the most
unforgettable tours you ever had.
launches happen not so often – only several times a year, and most of them are
usually scheduled on summer time. Although, a space rocket launch has always
been a very stressful process for all involved staff, this time everything went
safe and clear. On 26th of July installation of a Russian spacecraft
“Souyz-MC-05” was carried out just as planned. Tourists who booked our Baikonur
tour accompanied its transportation to a processing facility then they visited “Proton”
and Saturn Launching facilities, visit launching site num. 1, from which Yuri
Gagarin, a First Man in Space, began his space journey! They had a unique tour
to International Space school, walk through a memorable Alley of the
Cosmonauts, planted by Russian/Soviet cosmonauts and astronauts from all over
the world. And finally, they had a unique opportunity to see off 52nd
international crew before their departure to ISS!

At 18:41 on
28th of July a Russian spaceship “Souyz-MC-05” successfully
launched from a Baikonur spaceport. The crew of the spaceship supplemented a current crew of the International Space Station – USA astronauts Peggy
Wilson and Jack Fisher and a Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin. This time a
rocket carrier delivered Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli, NASA astronaut
Randolph Bresnik and Russian cosmonaut Sergey Ryazanskiy to an ISS. They are
the prime crew of the 53rd expedition. Nespoli, Bresnik and
Ryzanskiy are not new to the space: for Nespoli it is this 3rd flight,
while Bresnik and Ryaznskiy have their 2nd visit to ISS.
If you didn't join this trip, do not be upset! The next manned launch is scheduled on 13th of September. Do not miss your chance to see spacecraft launch by yourself!